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Week 3
Live! – QTR1, 7:24

Week 3
Live! – QTR1, 9:12

Week 2
Live! – QTR3, 3:36

Week 3
Live! – QTR1, 7:12

Week 2

Week 3

Week 2

Week 2

silentsound's Silentknights

Team profile | news | schedule | seasonal stats | game stats | head-to-head | team records


Total offense Rushing Passing Poss.
SeasonSeason Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
I 6 1818 303.0 15 1136 189.3 12 682 113.7 3 31:04
II 6 2208 368.0 17 1129 188.2 7 1079 179.8 10 31:28
III 6 1737 289.5 16 992 165.3 9 745 124.2 7 29:07
IV 6 1794 299.0 14 896 149.3 6 898 149.7 8 30:51
V 6 1921 320.2 15 1005 167.5 7 916 152.7 8 32:46
VI 2 620 310.0 4 553 276.5 4 67 33.5 0 28:57
Total 32 10098 315.6 81 5711 178.5 45 4387 137.1 36 30:55


Total offense Rushing Passing Poss.
SeasonSeason Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
IV 1 282 282.0 1 143 143.0 1 139 139.0 0 31:48
V 1 330 330.0 4 255 255.0 2 75 75.0 2 30:48
Total 2 612 306.0 5 398 199.0 3 214 107.0 2 31:18

Team profile | news | schedule | seasonal stats | game stats | head-to-head | team records