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Week 1
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Week 1
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Week 1

Week 1

Season IV: statistics


Total Rushing Passing Poss.
Team Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
EYE 6 1962 327.0 15 1089 181.5 11 873 145.5 4 29:05
WAR 6 1932 322.0 17 1022 170.3 7 910 151.7 10 29:46
SIL 6 1794 299.0 14 896 149.3 6 898 149.7 8 30:51
FLA 6 1774 295.7 14 923 153.8 10 851 141.8 4 31:22
KOB 6 1773 295.5 13 861 143.5 6 912 152.0 7 33:35
BEA 6 1558 259.7 9 835 139.2 4 723 120.5 5 28:36
BAS 6 1525 254.2 14 854 142.3 5 671 111.8 9 28:26
SPA 6 1505 250.8 11 835 139.2 8 670 111.7 3 28:00
BLG 6 1467 244.5 14 922 153.7 8 545 90.8 6 30:17
Total 54 15290 141.6 121 8237 76.3 65 7053 65.3 56 15:00


Total Rushing Passing Poss.
Team Gms YdsTotal yards AvgTotal yards per game TDTotal touchdowns YdsRushing yards AvgRushing yards per game TDRushing touchdowns YdsPassing yards AvgPassing yards per game TDPassing touchdowns AvgTime of possession per game
SPA 1 354 354.0 4 151 151.0 1 203 203.0 3 28:24
BAS 2 651 325.5 6 223 111.5 1 428 214.0 5 29:45
SIL 1 282 282.0 1 143 143.0 1 139 139.0 0 31:48
FLA 2 560 280.0 6 278 139.0 4 282 141.0 2 30:09
Total 6 1847 153.9 17 795 66.3 7 1052 87.7 10 15:00